Monday, June 28, 2010

Spanish to Little Current

fter a quick stop in Spanish we headed off to Little Current, Ontario which is the hub of this magnificant cruising area. We're bypassing spending another couple of nights at anchor due to poor weather conditions forecasted for the next few days. We'll be back in contact later today.

The remainder of the day was windy and much cooler. Since we don't have a thermometer on board I would say it was in the low 50s.

The forecast for tomorrow:

Strong wind warning in effect. Wind northwest 15 knots increasing to 20 late this evening then backing to west 20 Tuesday morning. Wind increasing to west 30 early Tuesday afternoon.

We plan to stay here in Little Current at least until Thursday which also happens to be Canada Day. We might stay to celebrate with our kin up north, eh!! The shots below were taken from the stern of the boat. It's remarkably still right now but things will change.

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