Monday, June 21, 2010

St. Ignace to Drummond Island

After a good night's rest we left St. Ignace at 10:15 AM on a totally awesome clear and sunny morning. Our six hour trip over to Drummond was about as good as it gets with almost flat lake conditions, a light breeze, and no flies. We arrived in Drummond around 4PM where we topped off our fuel, pumped out, and headed to our slip in the marina for the next two days. This is our last U.S. port before we head into Canada on Wednesday.

We took one of the marina's courtesy cars ($12/day) and went to the local grocery store for some last minute provisions. After that we had dinner, ice cream (of course), and drove around the island a bit before dark. This is the easternmost part of Michigan's Upper peninsula and is a popular resort. A ferry connects it with the mainland. The picture at the left is the DeTour light which marks the entrance to the St. Marys River and the North Channel. Many ships pass through here on there way to and from the Soo Locks and Lake Superior.

The North Channel is finally made. The ship to the right was a fully loaded ore carrier headed for Lake Michigan and probably Gary, Indiana. The marina is pictured below.


  1. Al and Sheri:

    Happy voyage! As always, it sounds like you're having a great time. I'll follow your travels.

    Ken Schlatter

  2. What a great adventure. I too will follow your travels but Alan, put the stupid camera down, kiss your bride and enjoy the views. I think you have missed all of your previous vacations because you were messing with the stupid camera! Have a blast this summer. Today is day 20 for me by the way and I feel fantastic! Love, Lee Jr.
