Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Still sitting tight in Little Current

Today is nice and sunny but still cool and windy. The wind is pedicted to subside after today so we will head out for some anchoring tomorrow with a return to Little Current on Sunday. We're going to try a new area just north of Little Current called the Bay of Islands. There are several attractive anchorages as well as a resort that is rumored to have a nice restaurant. The two pictures above are of beautiful downtown Little Current and the town's swing bridge which opens on the hour and is the only way out heading east. I could not resist taking the shot below of two locals catching some rays on the lawn just outside the boater's restrooms. The temps were probably in the low 60s.

Sheri got her hair cut today and I took care of some maintenance items and continued to relax (main activity on trip). Today, Little Current hosted a cruise ship, the Clelia II, which is on its way back to Toronto after a Great Lakes transit originating in Duluth, MN. We saw this ship last year and were amazed at how expensive it was. There are 100 passengers and 50 staterooms all of which have an outside view but only four have a balcony. The bottom price is around $5K and the balcony rooms are $10K for an 8-day cruise. It's all-inclusive but still pricey in my opinion. Here's the web site in case you are interested .

The passage here in Little Current is one of the few places in the North Channel that actually has a current. As indicated by the bouy in this picture it's fairly stonng in the channel and is even noticeable at the dock where our knot meter is registering about a half knot. The following link will show just how noticeable the current is.

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