Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Back in Saugatuck after a fabulous summer on the lakes

We made the short hop down from Holland this morning in what were totally flat lake conditions. Unlike yesterday it was blissful. We exited the Holland channel amongst many little sailboats in what was some sort of youth program. As we approached Saugatuck it was apparent that they must have gotten a lot of stimulus money with all the dredging and harbor entrance improvements that were taking place. We pulled into our slip for a night, checked in, and drove our car to Burger King for lunch which was a real treat. Upon returning Al took care of servicing the engine which went without incident this year. With today being one of the hottest we've experienced in two months we spent most of the day inside the boat in the A/C. Tonight is our last night on the boat before heading to a motel in Holland for the next two nights.
We traveled 1156 nautical miles this year which was slightly less than prior years but no less enjoyable. We discovered many new anchorages and met some fun folks along the way. For those who have followed us on our journey we hope you've enjoyed it. See you next year!!!