Monday, August 9, 2010

We hate Lake Michigan

After a relaxing weekend in Ludington we departed at 7:30AM on Monday morning and headed to Holland, Michigan which will be our last stop before arriving back in Saugatuck on Tuesday. We departed under the guidance of the crack weather forecasters at NOAA but were stunned to find very bad conditions almost immediately upon leaving the breakwall at Ludington. The predicted waves were 1-2 feet but instead were more like 5-8 footers. Our only saving grace was they were right on the nose and stayed that way all day only diminishing around 2PM. Although a rough ride, the boat really handles those seas well versus waves on the beam or stern. With gusty wind we were sprayed many times in the flybridge as we plowed through a big wave. Those conditions also show you where every leak is on the boat and we do have a few. Arriving in Holland at 5:15 we took on our last fuel before returning to our home port on Tuesday. Until today, the timing of favorable weather has been on our side this year with the bad stuff usually clearing out just as we depart on the next leg.

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