Saturday, August 7, 2010

The long haul down Lake Michigan is underway

We began our long and often troublesome passage down Lake Michigan as we departed the mostly empty Straits State Harbor (see right) in Mackinaw City at 7AM on Wednesday morning. Giving ourselves plenty of extra days to make it back we used one already in Mackinaw City and one in Leland, Michigan which was our first stop. Both delays were weather related and for which seems to plague us each year as we make the long haul down the lake to our homeport of Saugatuck. We are currently in Ludington, Michigan which is a standard stop for us on both our outbound and return legs.

Although Leland is not a bad place to be delayed with nice marina facilities and a delightful town with plenty of dining and shopping opportunities (Sheri not Al), the marina can get a bit chaotic when weather drives an extra compliment of boats in there because they are classified a “harbor of refuge”. This means that they have to take you no matter what. We were tied only half on a dock with our main connection being a large steel pole that provides primary support for the dock. Unfortunately, with winds and surges moving the docks this pole cushioned by our fenders was very noisy and kept us up both nights. The shot to the left is of the surf on the beach north of the marina wall. Most boats that arrived on Wednesday stayed Thursday. There was one sailboat that arrived Thursday and had to anchor inside the breakwall as no dock space was left and it was too windy to try rafting. Checking the weather closely we decided to get out early on Thursday so we left at 7:30 and experienced a fairly rough 75 mile trek to Ludington. The waves were 2-4 feet and mostly confused which means they were not flowing in any particular direction. Our saving grace was that the wind was mostly at our back which boosted boat speed as it pushed us along usually over nine knots. Sheri assumed the position in the shot below for most of the day since she does not do well in bouncy, rolly conditions. One observation along the way was that some water spouts were spawning from a cloud formation that we were approaching. For those of you who don’t know what a water spout is, it is a like tornado but over water. Based on what I read what we saw was a non-tornadic variety but my assumption is that they can be dangerous if you sail into one. In any case, these never fully formed but did give us some concerns for an hour or so.

We pulled into Ludington at 4:30, got fuel, pumped out, and headed to our slip for the next few days. On the way over to the slip someone shouted that we had a line in the water. This is usually important as the line can become wrapped around a propeller which is exactly what happened as we backed into the slip. The small handling line which was attached to our dingy was untied from its cleat probably in Leland as we scrambled to find the right dock line configuration for our odd tie up there. We also probably dragged it in the water all the way down on Friday and it wasn’t until we backed up that it found the prop. This will not happen again as we have now added that item to our pre-flight checklist. As the line became tangled it might have ripped itself right out of the dingy connection had the prop spun any more but thank goodness that did not happen. OK, what next? The line had to be removed from the prop and because our boat is not an outboard the prop is permanently under the boat. One of the emergency items we pack on the boat is a complete SCUBA set up so in the rare instance that we have to go under the boat to untangle a line or perform a damage check after hitting something (hope that never happens) we have the gear to do that. With that said Al donned the backpack with tank and regulator, mask, and a safety line and took the plunge. Upon examination of the entanglement the line was easily removed and did not do any damage. We dodged one this time but unfortunately accepted this blemish on our otherwise uneventful cruise this season. We also crossed the 1000 mile mark for the trip and 1000 hours on the engine on Friday.

After a great meal at a local micro brewery we got a good night’s rest on Friday and plan to head to Holland, Michigan on Monday for one last stop before arriving in Saugatuck before noon on Tuesday.

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