Sunday, July 18, 2010

Back to Killarney and goodbye to our company

After a night showing our friend Gary the bustling metropolis of Little Current we headed out making the 10AM bridge opening and made our way back to one of our favorite spots at Bay Fin. We arrived early and cruised up to the "pool" in our boat to show Gary what it looked like before heading back to our usual anchorage in Marianne Cove. After securing our anchor we headed out on a hike up Fraser Hill to take in the beautiful vistas that await those who make it to the top. Although it is not a long climb it is fairly rugged and mostly an uphill grade. All in all the summit is about 600 feet above the bay. On top is a plaque commemorating the namesake of the location. I'm attaching some shots from the hike.

We headed back to Killarney on Saturday morning and arrived around 1PM in some very windy conditions which made docking a real challenge. In any case. we made it in without any scratches to our berth for the next two days. After we settled in we decided to explore via our friends rental car the local area including a stop in the main city in the area Sudbury which is about 75 miles away. This is a fairly large city (pop 158K) and has most amenities of home. In particular, they had a Costco and a Wendy's where Al secured his favorite treat, the Frosty (large chocolate). On our way back we saw another bear but unfortunately don't have any photos to document the sighting. The area where Killarney (pop 500) is located is very sparsely populated and is surrounded by the Killarney Provincial Park.

Gary headed home around 10AM on Sunday morning and if all goes as scheduled he will be back in Seattle around 11:30 PM Pacific time. It was truly a pleasure having him aboard for the week.

The photo at the right is the Costco offering of poutine which is regular french fries with gravy and cheese.


  1. Gravy on fries??? Yuck!!! Bet you two are going to miss the company. Linda

  2. Did Al get you all lost on Fraser Hill? It reminds me alot of a hike Sal and I took with big Al once. Good luck Sheri. xoxo

  3. I want french fries with gravy! That sounds totally kick ass. Looks like you guys are having a blast and the scenery is beautiful. I am jealous!
