Monday, July 5, 2010

Out for more time anchoring

We've been in Little Current for two days catching up and will head out in the morning for three nights in Marianne Cove which is part of the very popular cruising area in Bay Finn. This is one of our favorite spots as it has some associated hiking trails located nearby.

We are excited to have some company arriving this week all the way from Seattle. Our friend and cruising buddy Gary Anderson will make the trek all the way out here via Toronto and a rental car and will meet us in the quaint port of Killarney on Friday. Having a skilled boater on board makes Al happy and someone else to talk to makes Sheri happy.

Check out the cool tug we saw this afternoon.

This morning we had a small flotilla of trawlers arrive at our dock including another Mainship like ours. I'm attaching a panorama of the two boats nose to nose.

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