Thursday, July 15, 2010

Back to Killarney for a night

We left Byng at 10AM and followed the inside passage (52 NM) all the way back under much more favorable conditions than Monday. In fact, Sheri drove the boat all by herself (with a little coaching from Gary and less from Al)through most of Collins Inlet. It was a beautiful day with calm seas and sunny skies.

I'm attaching some pictures of the passage including a video of the Rogers Gut passage so you can see how tight it is. We're off for two or three more nights on the hook (Covered Portage and Marianne Cove) and will be back in Killarney for Saturday and Sunday to see Gary off.

Here's the Rogers Gut video

Here are so additional shots from our trip back up the small craft passage.

Home sweet home

Navigational aid

Georgian bay rock scape

Bustards Lights

Sheri at the helm on Collins Inlet

Collins Inlet west channel

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