Friday, July 9, 2010

Sheri finally sees a bear!!

After leaving Little Current on Tuesday we spent three great days at anchor in Marianne Cove which is at the entrance the the spectacular waterway in Bay Fin (or Baie Fine) (see right). We relaxed, socialized, went swimming, but did not take the trail to the top of Fraser hill on this stop but will do that when our friend Gary Anderson is with us. On Thursday it was a little drippy but not cold so we decided to take our dingy along with another couple and head up to the end of Bay Fin which is know as the "Pool". The Pool is the location of the summer home of the Evinrude family of outboard motor fame. There's also a trail to Topaz Lake which we have never taken but will some day. Although scenic, the Pool is a terrible place to boat because it is full of aquatic weeds so many people anchor just outside and dingy in. While we were there our traveling friends spotted a large black bear in the reeds at the end of a small bay. Although I got a picture it's the best I could do with my small Canon G9. Below is a pano of Marianne Cove from our bow, a map of Bay Fin, and the "bear".

This morning we headed to the quaint port of Killarney which is at the border of the Nrth Channel and Georgian Bay. We are staying the night in the newly remodeled Sportsman's Inn which is a fablous facility for these parts. Our friend arrives later this afternoon and we will be off tomorrow for more exciting stops on the eastern shore of Georgian Bay.

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